December 13, 2007

Boredom Kills

I write now only to accomplish what I had set out to do when I started this blog in the beginning of the fiscal year, to write 52 articles by the end of the 4th quarter, (one per week). I admit, posts are not exactly what you, (or anyone else for that matter) would call consistent. However, I seeing as I am near to accomplishing that target, I will push on, fueled by the burning desire to go further then I have been, to push forth into blogging achievement, (and not by the raw unbridled boredom that eats through the inside lining of my gut like a cancerous and malignant tumour).

Boredom. I now have all the time in the world, but nothing to do with it. Well, that's not true. I could always study, but lets not get into technicalities. Boredom is powerful. It makes us do crazy things, like insult a teacher, or call up people we would rather see under a bus. Or write a letter to the Star. Many ridiculous things we regret doing much later.

There is only so many cups of coffee a person can make before accepting the painful truth that there is nothing to do. The mind then wanders. We find ourselves walking around aimlessly. The little foibles that were not noticed before suddenly becomes upsetting. The flickering light. The uneven crease at the top of a curtain. That little mole on your forehead nobody notices anyway because it was blocked by your overhanging fringe.

Worse comes in the shape of wanting to repair the small bumps in the perfect world that is our life. In other words, I am talking about DIY. Thanks to that, you end up with a new starter of the bedroom celing light, a reformatting of the computer, and a bandage on the forehead. The holes in the wall of my shower from the mistaken idea that I needed a shower rack for shampoos instead of the floor, remain just that. Holes in the wall.

Reformatting the computer? Yes, I have done that. I thought I could make the computer safer by fiddling around with the Windows Firewall a bit. Needless to say, one should never delete any files if you don't know how it got there, certainly not one found in system folders.

I must think of something to do to ease the boredom. This is getting to be most unbareable.

Still, its better then going to school I suppose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't been on your blog for so long. I still read it as I'll get loss in a world of words that will makes me dizzy. LOL!