September 13, 2007

Those gyms should come with a health and safely warning!

It is possible, you know, to exercise too much. So then, in choosing which I would rather do, go to the gym 2 times in a week, or go to school for the week, I would be very happy to choose the latter. Unfortunately, one does not choose one's holidays, so its off the the gym then!

And so I did. I chose to go on a Tuesday, the very same day as the one-day-only, 3-months-old-stock-from-China, 15-people-selling-membership-cards, 2-cashiers-in-the-whole-frigging-building, Jusco Sale.

The parking lots were packed, and so was every affordable place to eat. So I went to the only shop to charge RM12 for an egg sandwich, Deli'cious, where Secret Recipe used to be, (next to the main door, with excellent views of large scaffolding. The chairs were uncomfortable, the music too loud, the sandwich tasted like it came from the Jusco Sale, and they used balsamic vinegar instead of white wine vinegar on their mushrooms! What a careless mistake!

I then went to the gym. I will not give you the details, because the mere recollection of any of my experiences in the gym is slightly traumatic for me. I came home hurting, and after a sharp glass of German white and some very nice red French wine, I went to bed.

As it turns out, you are not suppose to consume alcohol after exercise, (something to do with muscle recovery I'm told). And so, the next morning I found myself unable to lift myself off the bed. Its quite pathetic really. You think I am blowing things out of proportion as usual don't you? Well seriously, I am not. I cannot so much as stand up straight before falling down again. It really does hurt.

There is, however, one consolation. Since I cannot walk, I cannot bring myself to the gym. I suppose that counts for something.

1 comment:

Agan said...

buddy sounds more like your sufferin from a case of over-training not so much the alcohol..take it easy buddy and don't push too hard;)