July 11, 2007

Stress Test

As my blog so helpfully pointed out the other day, I am a college student. As college students, we are under a lot of stress, especially those smart enough to merit a scholarship, (not me). For fun, I devised a simple test to know how stressed out you are. Why not take the test, add up the points, and post me a comment informing me how you did. Here goes nothing.

In the mornings when you wake up, do you;

  1. Jump out of bed full of energy, run to the bathroom mirror and shout, "Damn! You look good!"
  2. Set your alarm on snooze, hitting it every 5 minutes for the next hour or so, wishing it was Saturday.
  3. Throw your alarm clock out the window, only getting out of bed after your dad threatens to enrol you in extra classes, claiming you need it.
  4. Slowly levitate of the bed, a cloud carrying you to your door. You open your eyes and smile. You look awake and calm.

What do you usually have for breakfast?

  1. Scrambled eggs on toast, sausages, and orange juice with the other members of your family who have to wake up and leave the house at the same time as you.
  2. A pre-packed sandwich in your left hand, a cup of lukewarm Milo in your armpit, and your unfinished assignment on your lap.
  3. What's breakfast?
  4. The fog is your substance and the mist is your drink. You absorb it in your mouth as you exit your house.

Most of your classes are;

  1. Right next to one another.You find the time to walk to your classes and spend quality time with that girl from Germany you have been eyeing since orientation day.
  2. In different buildings, often in different campuses. As you cross the road, many a times you are almost run over by a dump truck driven by someone who thinks he is a race driver.
  3. You are unsure you have classes, and if you do, you haven't the faintest idea where it is.
  4. You blink and there you are in that perfect seat each class has, the one not directly in the line of the air conditioning, in the middle of a group of your friends, in an inconspicuous place where the teacher would not look to for answers to the questions on the board.

You see your friends;

  1. Everyday before entering class. You discuss sports, the other students of opposite gender, and the squat toilets. They help you catch up on your missed work, and your assignments.
  2. Once a week, usually on weekends or at work, while you are scrubbing dishes.
  3. Everyday. You meet at the cyber cafe and try to beat each other's high score at various alien-killing games. You know you can rely on them if you ever get into trouble, maybe.
  4. Whenever you close your eyes. They are there when you want them to be, gone when you don't want them around. They look up to you as their inspiration and you in turn are nice to them.

Your teachers;

  1. Are fantastic! Especially that young math professor. Everyone else are very helpful, motivated, and talented. You love them!
  2. Seem to give you too much homework, and laugh at you when you forget to add the plus/minus sign on your root of a square answer. You dislike them, but you respect them and are in awe of their power.
  3. Are all stupid, lazy and very misunderstanding. What do you mean I can't wear a hat in class? Its a free country!
  4. They are a blessing.

Your homework;

  1. Is just the right amount, at just the right difficulty. It is enough to make you learn something, but not enough to make you bored of the subject.
  2. Is just too much! You are sometimes forced to skip dinner just to make sure you finish that assignment on time. You run through 6 pens a week.
  3. Is left untouched. After all, isn't it the finals that really matter? Its college! Lets have fun!
  4. Usually involves going to art galleries, museums, and going to classical music concerts. You sometimes have written work, but a small group of elves do it for you as you sleep.

Okay. Count up your score. Award yourself 2 points for every A answer, 5 points for every B answer, 10 points for every C answer, and 30 points for every 4 answer.

If you score above 90, seek help. Fast!

For those who scored above 40, I pity you. You are so misunderstood. For those who scored above 20, you have just the right amount of stress. You are a well balanced person. And for anyone who scored below 20, I have just one question for you;

Are you a kindergartner?

1 comment:

hwen said...

"And for anyone who scored below 20, I have just one question for you;

Are you a kindergartner?"

Oh yes, I'm apparently one. I scored 18.

Seriously, homework is not too difficult, the lecturers are helpful and knowledgeable, classrooms are next to each other as campus is rather small, I see my college friends everyday, I talk about anything with em' as I have a high tendency to NOT shut up, and I always have not enough time in the early mornings.

Being in kindergarten is FUN! But being in college is fun-er! Haha!