June 17, 2007

Love Letters

My love,

I will leave you soon, and I do not know when I shall return, if ever. There is no doubt in my mind that I shall miss you. I will forever treasure our time together. Thank you for making my time here, the best 6 months of my life.

Its amazing that we met entirely by accident. It was in the lunch line, I had just decided against having chicken and as I reached over to grab something else, there you were. I stared at you unblinkingly for a moment or two. You were perfectly proportioned. Your skin was tan and smooth. You were perfect.

It took a while, but I think I have won you over, as much as you have won me over. We would meet sometimes during recess at the cafeteria. We would bump into one another at the lunch line, and I would give you a hug. Afterwards we would sit together and I would taste you. I still remember what you taste like; salty, with a hint of sweetness.

Took a while, but we were finally able to meet on dates. I remember the good times we have had at Chili's, at Chipotle's, and even just the simple times at McDonalds. These are dates I won't forget.

I don't know how I can live without you as I return home. Nothing in the world could possibly substitute the company we shared. And although we part "as friends", I will be thinking of you always. I won't forget you.

I love you. U.S. beef.

Your biggest customer,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! How sweet! You love the Kansas beef! Hopefully you guys will meet someday.