March 07, 2007

Weekends Again

Sorry about the last post. I guess it was kinda bare, huh? Well, I think if there is nothing worth writing about, then it is better not to write anything. What to write about today? Hmmm..........

Well, if you may, allow me to talk about my weekend. I woke up at 11, and by 11.30 I had drunk seventeen cups of coffee, read and replied all my e-mails, then what? I had read all the new books I bought staying up late the last night, I consider morning TV shows to not be worth watching. Too many commercials. No sitcom can make up for the hours of subliminal messages the media plants in our minds. (I want that three-in-one potato peeler).

I got bored, so I went online to chat with a few same-minded individuals from back home, for about, 15 minutes, when of course by then, it was almost two in the morning over there. I wore a groove in the floor looking for some cookies or some sausages I had missed on my previous ten thousand excursions. I contemplated mounting an excavation of my left nostril. I even did my laundry, twice!

Against better judgement, I did try to go outside. I got the bicycle ready, my helmet adjusted, and I chose a nice light jacket. I opened the garage door, and a gust of wind almost blew me off my bike. I immediately rejected that notion when I noticed my teeth clattering. Exercise is a dumb notion anyway.

And that's the problem with boredom. Boredom makes you do stupid things. Like for example, reaching out to old acquaintances again. After about 7 seconds of conversation you will realise why you gave up communication with them in the first place. I know I did. Boredom does not drive you crazy, but it the little things you notice, because of boredom that drives you over the bend. Its the loose fibers on your sweatshirt, the bluntness of your pencils, the slight stain on the couch. Its that level on your favorite game that you know you could do better. Before you know it, its three in the morning, your eyes are bleeding, and the Playstation explodes.

And yet, there are people who say the weekends are too short. What on earth are they doing? Obviously not weekendish stuff, cause that's what I did, and I was praying for Monday to come. I feel like nothing worthwhile happens to me during the weekends. I wake up, I drink my coffee, I watch TV, I drool on the sofa.

After much contemplation I have decided to start losing weight. I grew concerned when I could not fit into two of the pants I had brought with me. So, if I want to wear them I will have to lose weight, or wear them under my butt and use my overhanging shirt tails to protect my modesty. So I have taken up tennis, going as far as buying a tennis racket. Nevertheless, the next time I post something here, I may have come back to my senses.

Till next time! Ken.


hwen said...

Boredom kills, eh? Haha, you can always go online and watch the Monty Python shows they have in You Tube. Did I spell it right?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken! Tennis isn't a bad sport at all. In fact I played for our girls' tennis team not too long ago and it was wonderful! It was a work out too since we had to run before the actual tennis practice started.
Honestly if the weather takes a turn for the worst this March then yeah tennis may be a little on the down side.

cyan_loh said...

wat?? u wokr up 11 in morning?? and drink like 15 cups of coffee?? man, i really salute u then!!