January 30, 2007

Maybe I Don't Hate Snow After All

You may remember my last post, when I briefly mentioned my ongoing feud with snow. The white menace has been a cold, disturbing thorn in my side. Nevertheless, I am actually looking forward to it snowing this weekend. The answer is stunningly obvious. It can be summed up in one word. That word is snowballs.

There may be nothing more satisfying then taking an enemy, like snow, and turning it into a weapon that is to be unleashed on those smaller and weaker then me. As stated in the Art of War, turn ones adversaries against one another. (OK, I made that up). But history has shown otherwise:

Before one duke invaded another state in ancient China, the duke printed up a list of several high-ranking ministers in the enemy's court. He stated that these people were working for him, and that they would bring him victory. The opposing duke sentenced those officials who were on the list to death, thus sealing his own ruin, as those men were the people who were running the country. that state fell as the first state invaded it.

But enough about the boring historical facts, the point is, never to dirty ones fingernails in a protracted battle with an adversary who is as strong, or stronger then you. That's my philosophy. (No not really).

The truth is, I am completely out of things to write at this point. I could write about my time here, my eminent waltz lessons starting next month, the 2 birthday parties I am invited to, the new gray business suit I just bought, or the fact that I am having a wonderful time here and I surrounded by many wonderful people, but that would just be boasting. But its true. I'm having the time of my life here, and I hope the time to return will never come.

Its a pity about the weather though.

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