July 24, 2007

Duriano; The Currency of the Future!

Early one morning, Mother Earth stumbled drunkenly into her laboratory after a night of heavy partying with Father Time, and created a new species of fruit. The end result was a bulbous seed covered in a milk cream, with the stench comparable, (to the uninitiated), is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. I am talking of course, about the durian, the king of fruits. Some election that must have been. What fruit could stand up to a thorny green ball that weighs kilos?

I am not exaggerating about the smell. It has been said, if the locals were eating the durians at Malacca Port instead of in the comfort of their homes, our country might never have been conquered.

The durian is so well known in our part of the world that, if ASEAN were to adopt an EU style single currency, I would strongly recommend the new coinage to be named "the Duriano".

Speaking about ASEAN, why don't we adopt an EU style single currency? I mean, our economies are linked through the free-trade agreements, we all, (I hope), strive for peace and stability in our region, and we all eat durians. What more excuses does one need? Most of the world's monies are made in factories in the United States. Why not combine the 10 types of coinage into one single currency we can all use? Isn't it very irritating that everytime we drive to our neighbouring countries for a spot of shopping, we need to convert our money to the currency of that country? Sure would be annoying for those living in Johore and Perlis.

Perhaps one day. Maybe when I am king.


Anonymous said...

Wow.... Well I like durian, but are you sure that "we all" eat durians? Haha, well anyway, just stopping by and looking for the mistakes in your blog. : P

ikanbilis said...

yerr i hate durian. and u, thats an absolutely a good idea. im sick of converting cash!!

Ash Singh said...

When you're King, make me Emperor.

cyan_loh said...

im not a big fan of durian too! >< eh, u dun seem to be active in ur cbox. busy lately huh?