April 24, 2007

Men vs Women, part 1

Lets lay our cards on the table for a moment. More females read my blog then males. This strikes me as odd, chiefly because I have more male then female friends. Surely this phenomenon is caused by an underlying difference between the sexes. I shall now attempt to state those differences. Many people have tried, so one more theory won't hurt anyone. So here goes;

I think the main reason I have more female readers then male is because the female mind is more capable in reading. It is common knowledge, that men will read the first 3 words of a story and if those 3 words does not contain either kung-fu, sex or bomb, the male brain will shut down and simply will not restart until interest is restored. Usually by satellite television.

This is also why men don't stop and ask for directions. It wouldn't be of any use. Besides pulling over and humbling ourselves to ask someone who is indefinitely less intelligent then ourselves, (which is explained by the fact that person is walking, while I am nice and cool in my car), the minute we hear the first word said, our subconscious blocks out everything else and we part, no wiser then when we started. A pointless endeavor then.

I am currently in the midst of sorting out my phonebook and I made a startling discovery; most of my friends are technology aficionados, i.e; techno geeks. This is surprising because I know nothing about modern technology. The computer I am typing this on is used mainly for gaming and indeed, typing. Apparently it is powerful, but I have no way of being sure. Same goes for my camera. Same goes for my watch. The brochure tells me it has a stopwatch, a thermometer, a barometer and a compass. Since I bought it 3 years ago, I still have not been able to set the alarm for 7 in the morning. It always rings at 2.47pm, just as I am in Math class. I would turn it off, but I don't know how.

Men are all hypochondriacs too, but that's another story for another day.


Anonymous said...

Good Job! I'm first! I agreed, females like me are more capable and will take the time read stuff like this. : P

Anonymous said...

I'm 2nd and female too! I couldn't agree with you more about men are all hypochondriacs. I am married to one. LG

hwen said...

*laughs* How did you know more females read your blog? Don't tell me you just guessed it from the comments and e-mails received, as some readers don't leave their 'trail' exposed (they don't leave messages/comments/e-mails). The emphasis is on SOME, of course.

Jeremy W. said...

Maybe I'm the first guy to read this, but I think you make a good point. This is my first time reading a blog.

=) said...

hi ken ming
its me fattah. i came to noe ur blog through ryan. i din noe u hv 1 so thats y i din read ur blog b4 this. anyway i cudn reach u anymore coz d line cant get through. u can giv me ur email address if u wan if it doz not jeopardize ur safety. lol