January 02, 2007

Goodbye 2006!

Wow! The new year is here.

It was just yesterday that both the American and Malaysian stock exchanges broke records. Coups were launched in the Phillipines and in Thailand. Bird flu came back then went away again. The never ending war in the middle east flared up then died down. Italy and the US both gained new governments. 3 techno nerds gained $1.65 billion. Warren Buffet gave away countless more billions. A pope was lost and gained. The president of Iran showed his stripes. George W Bush lost his stripes. We were named the persons of the year. We all aged a year.

Perhaps as the new year begins, its time to take stock. Time to forget the old, get the new.

Thus here is the report for my financial year ending 1 January 2007.

Life has been gaining a lot of just plain stuff, or doodads that make life more liveable. Operations that accually generate cashflow however, were not added to.

External building has seen expanding rapidly, expecially around the middrift. Physical structure has lost the shine and the glow seen in the previous year. Admited, 2005 was a boom year in the social calender. Free time created by misconseption that being in Form 4 means you don't have to work hard created much in terms of shareholder value has caused much depreciation in the firm's stock price in the year 2006, primarily because of SPM.

In terms of management, the governing body has matured, not just caused by a penchant for white wine. For the first 2 quarters of 2007, management and primary operations will be relocated to the United States. Although the move is highly risky, the long term gains will hopefully make up for any early loss.

Below are the major changes to day-to-day operations that have been carried out:
  1. This firm has seen an increase in the reading of comic books. Mainly stupid ones with BOOOOOM and KERPLOOOW. Comics were bought at the magazine stall, browsing over the Far Eastern Economic Review. Is this cause for concern?
  2. I can now fry anything reasonably well except fish. But as you know, fish is the only thing that matters.
  3. I bought many books. Read a few of them too.
  4. I lost money gambling on the World Cup. Swore to never bet again. I then bet with a friend how long I can keep that bet. Failing to see the irony at first, I lost that bet as well.

Well goodbye 2006. It has been fun. I'm gonna miss you.


hwen said...

What a first entry! "This firm", my friend? *laughs*

Ken Ming, Ken Ming, I didn't know you were THAT addicted to comic books. Ade was shocked to discover that you either talk about finance or comics. It frightens her actually.

Anyway, it's good to know that you started a blog. It's better to read it too. Keep on updating, especially more so when you're in the US of A.

All the best to you!

Cheers, Hui Wen =)

Vince*Sc said...

Hey, Ken. It's me again... Nice first blog. I gotta admit, I'm impressed.

Well, that's all i have to say for now. Take care in the States, k?